The series of photographs centered on the interiors of hotels elevates kitsch reality to an object worthy of visual credibility. The still frame focuses on usually overlooked details that take on an evocative power. The subjects are recognizable, mundane, yet possess an allure due to the space they leave in the perception of representation. The shots reveal the beauty of the traces left by lives flowing through these transient spaces, where guests have worn down surfaces without being aware of imprinting their essence. The kitsch aesthetic enhances the distorted vision of an imaginary tied to the prototype of dominant aesthetic sensibility while simultaneously amplifying the narrative and metaphorical potential of the objects.
The series of photographs centered on the interiors of hotels elevates kitsch reality to an object worthy of visual credibility. The still frame focuses on usually overlooked details that take on an evocative power. The subjects are recognizable, mundane, yet possess an allure due to the space they leave in the perception of representation. The shots reveal the beauty of the traces left by lives flowing through these transient spaces, where guests have worn down surfaces without being aware of imprinting their essence. The kitsch aesthetic enhances the distorted vision of an imaginary tied to the prototype of dominant aesthetic sensibility while simultaneously amplifying the narrative and metaphorical potential of the objects.