Submission Painting

Ruth Lantz –Glitch Trail

In my paintings, I explore the intersection between painting, photography, and digital imagery. Commingling abstraction and representation I approach my painted works through a series of filtration systems: perceptual, process driven, and painterly. I compile these tensional forces to examine the continual translation, overlap, and fracture implicated by sight. Using scanners, projectors and other digital tools, I manipulate found landscape images as references to explore how new technologies have altered the way we understand and mediate our surroundings. Condensing the photographic affect and the painterly sensation into one inscrutable surface, I create an image that is at once familiar but also removed, thus, challenging the viewer to question the nature of visual appearances.

Ruth Lantz –Glitch Trail

In my paintings, I explore the intersection between painting, photography, and digital imagery. Commingling abstraction and representation I approach my painted works through a series of filtration systems: perceptual, process driven, and painterly. I compile these tensional forces to examine the continual translation, overlap, and fracture implicated by sight. Using scanners, projectors and other digital tools, I manipulate found landscape images as references to explore how new technologies have altered the way we understand and mediate our surroundings. Condensing the photographic affect and the painterly sensation into one inscrutable surface, I create an image that is at once familiar but also removed, thus, challenging the viewer to question the nature of visual appearances.