Submission Featured Submissions

Same Town, Different Place

At a point about five years ago, my interest started turning back to the
beginnings, and to the things that inspired me at first. I have traveled back
to my home town along with new places to photograph them and to
explore how they maintain their stature in American life. I am intrigued by the idea that within a seemingly unchanging physical space, individual perspectives and journeys vary significantly, creating an intricate web of unique narratives.

Same Town, Different Place

At a point about five years ago, my interest started turning back to the
beginnings, and to the things that inspired me at first. I have traveled back
to my home town along with new places to photograph them and to
explore how they maintain their stature in American life. I am intrigued by the idea that within a seemingly unchanging physical space, individual perspectives and journeys vary significantly, creating an intricate web of unique narratives.