Submission Painting

Sara Rieber/General submission

Every day we wake up and put on a different costume. We are costumes of the human mind, bombarded with contradicting images, products and theories of who we are and how we should be. I’m interested in what lies between the nudity and the costumes of our body, and how our society codes these layers with objects, materials and language. My work addresses the difficulty of distinguishing between desire and identification when woman consume and create images of women. It is about codes of beauty, makeup, consumerism, representation and their relationship to histories of art and my experience as a child dancer.
I try to create a glimpse into consumerism and commodity culture through codes and rituals in domestic spaces.

Sara Rieber/General submission

Every day we wake up and put on a different costume. We are costumes of the human mind, bombarded with contradicting images, products and theories of who we are and how we should be. I’m interested in what lies between the nudity and the costumes of our body, and how our society codes these layers with objects, materials and language. My work addresses the difficulty of distinguishing between desire and identification when woman consume and create images of women. It is about codes of beauty, makeup, consumerism, representation and their relationship to histories of art and my experience as a child dancer.
I try to create a glimpse into consumerism and commodity culture through codes and rituals in domestic spaces.

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