Advertisement has always shown us half-truths, a projected unobtainable future that we crave to believe. Particularly considering 1950s,60s, and 70s home interior ads, this series explores the falseness of not only the advertisements of the time, but the lifestyle. Through the music of The Kinks, Ray Davies creates songs that perfectly describes the ideal Shangri-La sold and consumed by society of the 1960s.

Through bright and unrealistic lighting and editing, I strive to lure my audience into a false reality, unable to differentiate what is true and what is not. Relating to the medium of photography itself, I’d like people to question the realism of what they observe, and how photography will inherently always lie.


Advertisement has always shown us half-truths, a projected unobtainable future that we crave to believe. Particularly considering 1950s,60s, and 70s home interior ads, this series explores the falseness of not only the advertisements of the time, but the lifestyle. Through the music of The Kinks, Ray Davies creates songs that perfectly describes the ideal Shangri-La sold and consumed by society of the 1960s.

Through bright and unrealistic lighting and editing, I strive to lure my audience into a false reality, unable to differentiate what is true and what is not. Relating to the medium of photography itself, I’d like people to question the realism of what they observe, and how photography will inherently always lie.

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