
Sheryl Ruth Kolitsopoulos

I have always been inspired by the beauty that I find within life and nature. My artwork stems from the tie between such beauty and my own lived experiences.
My figurative work captures the subject's dignity and celebration of everyday life in their natural environment. My landscapes and cityscapes of Greece are influenced by conversations between myself and the natural beauty of its panoramic views.

The foundation of my creative process is drawing, whether used exclusively, or in tandem with painting. My personal connection to the subject matter dictates the artistic decisions of line, movement, composition, value and color. It's all interconnected. I invite the viewer to feel the same emotions I feel, to truly sit in them, and to understand what drew me to pick up the pencil in the first place.

Sheryl Ruth Kolitsopoulos

I have always been inspired by the beauty that I find within life and nature. My artwork stems from the tie between such beauty and my own lived experiences.
My figurative work captures the subject’s dignity and celebration of everyday life in their natural environment. My landscapes and cityscapes of Greece are influenced by conversations between myself and the natural beauty of its panoramic views.

The foundation of my creative process is drawing, whether used exclusively, or in tandem with painting. My personal connection to the subject matter dictates the artistic decisions of line, movement, composition, value and color. It’s all interconnected. I invite the viewer to feel the same emotions I feel, to truly sit in them, and to understand what drew me to pick up the pencil in the first place.

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