Submission Painting

Someone’s in here

"Someone’s in here" is a series of paintings I made over 2019 and 2020. I began thinking about how a bathroom is the one place where a person can truly be alone. Eventually, I began drawing solitary scenes in other settings, with the same interest in expressing how a person’s emotional interior animates their physical interior. I made these paintings using acrylic paint on paper. They’re all roughly 15 x 10 in.

Someone’s in here

“Someone’s in here” is a series of paintings I made over 2019 and 2020. I began thinking about how a bathroom is the one place where a person can truly be alone. Eventually, I began drawing solitary scenes in other settings, with the same interest in expressing how a person’s emotional interior animates their physical interior. I made these paintings using acrylic paint on paper. They’re all roughly 15 x 10 in.

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