Submission Photography

Spirit Molecules

These are long exposure phone-camera shots, long being about 1 second, give or take.
The shots are of lights at night, mostly holiday lights around my neighbourhood.
I move the phone around quickly after pressing the button, creating a sense of particles in motion. I was listening to The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien at the time and really enjoying the playful science jargon throughout the book. The idea that these lights could be atoms swirling around or something like that came naturally.

Spirit Molecules

These are long exposure phone-camera shots, long being about 1 second, give or take.
The shots are of lights at night, mostly holiday lights around my neighbourhood.
I move the phone around quickly after pressing the button, creating a sense of particles in motion. I was listening to The Third Policeman by Flann O’Brien at the time and really enjoying the playful science jargon throughout the book. The idea that these lights could be atoms swirling around or something like that came naturally.

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