Submission Illustration

Submission for the open call

I graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts in China, and currently I’m a senior student at School of Visual Arts in New York City. Almost all my drawings are based on the recognition and pride of my Asian identity. Also conflict between real life and illusional world. Including my point of views on life and death, value and self cognition, losing my self and finding it back. Every drawing is a process of quarreling with myself that I am creating a world without logic but with order, where I have an opportunity to feel safe for facing up to myself.

Submission for the open call

I graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts in China, and currently I’m a senior student at School of Visual Arts in New York City. Almost all my drawings are based on the recognition and pride of my Asian identity. Also conflict between real life and illusional world. Including my point of views on life and death, value and self cognition, losing my self and finding it back. Every drawing is a process of quarreling with myself that I am creating a world without logic but with order, where I have an opportunity to feel safe for facing up to myself.