Submission Painting

Superfine Tableau

This series brings together my interests in botany, biomorphism, and the evolution of organisms. I subconsciously explore the relationships between anatomy, biology, nature, and emerging sciences while creating from my own imagination. They, at times, mirror personal metaphysical occurrences or contain a slight nod to art history, such as hints of a baroque landscape or still life. They are more virtual reality than actuality. I work at the intersection of traditional, digital, visionary art, and non-objective painting; I do this all while slowly dying of terminal cancer.
I delve into the practice and alchemy of oil paint dictating the direction, shaping aesthetic outcomes, and transforming emotional impressions as I go.

Superfine Tableau

This series brings together my interests in botany, biomorphism, and the evolution of organisms. I subconsciously explore the relationships between anatomy, biology, nature, and emerging sciences while creating from my own imagination. They, at times, mirror personal metaphysical occurrences or contain a slight nod to art history, such as hints of a baroque landscape or still life. They are more virtual reality than actuality. I work at the intersection of traditional, digital, visionary art, and non-objective painting; I do this all while slowly dying of terminal cancer.
I delve into the practice and alchemy of oil paint dictating the direction, shaping aesthetic outcomes, and transforming emotional impressions as I go.