Submission Photography

The Blossom in the Mirror

The Blossom in the Mirror
I love looking in the mirror. As I gaze into any reflective surface, my eyes are drawn to my own reflection. From my cultural research, I found It's a shared fascination in our modern society, where selfie provides a similar form of a mirror. My thesis delves into this unconscious behavior and transforms it in a poetic way.
Team Credit:
Fashion Designer: Shiqi Xu @shiqixu_
Photographer: Ramona Wang @ramonadai
Model: @faithsorad
MUA: Erdan li @erdanli

The Blossom in the Mirror

The Blossom in the Mirror
I love looking in the mirror. As I gaze into any reflective surface, my eyes are drawn to my own reflection. From my cultural research, I found It’s a shared fascination in our modern society, where selfie provides a similar form of a mirror. My thesis delves into this unconscious behavior and transforms it in a poetic way.
Team Credit:
Fashion Designer: Shiqi Xu @shiqixu_
Photographer: Ramona Wang @ramonadai
Model: @faithsorad
MUA: Erdan li @erdanli

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