Submission Drawing

The Silence of the Lambs in 30 Seconds, Re-enacted by Bunnies

30-Second Bunnies Theatre! Wherein bunnies re-enact movies in 30 seconds (more or less). Silence buns is from the 2018 season on Patreon. Created and realized by me, Jennifer Shiman.

The Silence of the Lambs in 30 Seconds, Re-enacted by Bunnies

30-Second Bunnies Theatre! Wherein bunnies re-enact movies in 30 seconds (more or less). Silence buns is from the 2018 season on Patreon. Created and realized by me, Jennifer Shiman.

Secret Email Club

If you’re not a member of our Secret Email Club you’ve been missing out on a whole lot of stuff that we don’t post on Booooooom!