Submission Photography

Time. Passing

I have recently returned from a trip through Wales. I went in search of landscapes and portraits that sought to give me an understanding as to the character of place. It is a country that seemingly lives in the shadows of England, often maligned and having faced many economic hardships over the years, they have persevered and endured. They are stoic and hopeful.
For the most part most of these images have been deliberately underexposed. To allow the smallest slithers of light to peel across the image, but also to enable to viewer to embed themselves into the frame, to never be wholly sure as to exactly what they are looking at but allowing some personal experience and interpretation to form part of the broader body of work. This body of work reflects a time passing with a sense of hope for the future.

Time. Passing

I have recently returned from a trip through Wales. I went in search of landscapes and portraits that sought to give me an understanding as to the character of place. It is a country that seemingly lives in the shadows of England, often maligned and having faced many economic hardships over the years, they have persevered and endured. They are stoic and hopeful.
For the most part most of these images have been deliberately underexposed. To allow the smallest slithers of light to peel across the image, but also to enable to viewer to embed themselves into the frame, to never be wholly sure as to exactly what they are looking at but allowing some personal experience and interpretation to form part of the broader body of work. This body of work reflects a time passing with a sense of hope for the future.