Submission Painting

Vibrant Tonal Paintings by Vicki Sullivan

I primarily focus on painting the figure and, as I have a particular love of colour and natural textiles, I often include beautiful colourful fabric in my compositions.

As a painter trained in the Meldrum Method, I use tonality to create form.

I use chiaroscuro to bring drama to my work, and several layers of paint to make my colours rich and glowing, as if from the inside.

In Australia, the light seems to be different from the rest of the world. Strong colours can be found in the ocean surrounding the peninsula where I live, and in the wildlife, with the many-coloured birds of the environment. I find this subtly impacts my work.
I endeavour to create works in which my subjects appear as though they could walk out of the painting and into the room, bringing into the present a moment in time I have painted.

Vibrant Tonal Paintings by Vicki Sullivan

I primarily focus on painting the figure and, as I have a particular love of colour and natural textiles, I often include beautiful colourful fabric in my compositions.

As a painter trained in the Meldrum Method, I use tonality to create form.

I use chiaroscuro to bring drama to my work, and several layers of paint to make my colours rich and glowing, as if from the inside.

In Australia, the light seems to be different from the rest of the world. Strong colours can be found in the ocean surrounding the peninsula where I live, and in the wildlife, with the many-coloured birds of the environment. I find this subtly impacts my work.
I endeavour to create works in which my subjects appear as though they could walk out of the painting and into the room, bringing into the present a moment in time I have painted.