Submission Painting

Weeri And Walawidbit

Weeri and Walawidbit were two greedy men. They decided to steal the last of the water for themselves and then run away.
In secret, they made a large water-carrier, which was called an eel-a-mun. When everyone was asleep, they stole the water from the last well and hurried off.
When the people woke up, there was no water for them. This was very bad, because there were little children and babies needing water and also the old people. And also, it was very hot.
The Elders called all the people together and it was then that they saw that two men were missing.
Looking around, they found the tracks of the two men. Quickly, the warriors followed these tracks, which led down the other side of the mountain to the big plains and they could see the men in the distance.

Weeri And Walawidbit

Weeri and Walawidbit were two greedy men. They decided to steal the last of the water for themselves and then run away.
In secret, they made a large water-carrier, which was called an eel-a-mun. When everyone was asleep, they stole the water from the last well and hurried off.
When the people woke up, there was no water for them. This was very bad, because there were little children and babies needing water and also the old people. And also, it was very hot.
The Elders called all the people together and it was then that they saw that two men were missing.
Looking around, they found the tracks of the two men. Quickly, the warriors followed these tracks, which led down the other side of the mountain to the big plains and they could see the men in the distance.