Submission Photography Featured Submissions

When I leave, give me flowers.

Guanling Chen is a photographer based in Shanghai. Her most recent project Give me flowers is a story of loss to love again, originating from her discovery of the vulnerability and romance of human relationships. By capturing her gaze on people, objects and landscapes, She tries to obtain something such as a memory of the past, a trace of life, or an imagination of the future to express her restrained and attached emotions towards family, friends, and lovers, or even a loving and hesitant attitude towards everything. Like the beautiful and fragile flowers, her insecurities about loss are closely linked to her longing for love. An encounter is like a flower, beginning with flowers and ending with flowers. When I leave, give me flowers.

When I leave, give me flowers.

Guanling Chen is a photographer based in Shanghai. Her most recent project Give me flowers is a story of loss to love again, originating from her discovery of the vulnerability and romance of human relationships. By capturing her gaze on people, objects and landscapes, She tries to obtain something such as a memory of the past, a trace of life, or an imagination of the future to express her restrained and attached emotions towards family, friends, and lovers, or even a loving and hesitant attitude towards everything. Like the beautiful and fragile flowers, her insecurities about loss are closely linked to her longing for love. An encounter is like a flower, beginning with flowers and ending with flowers. When I leave, give me flowers.