Submission Painting

Where the Wind Blows

This is a work in progress. The essence and intention of these works is freedom, of mind and body. I have also taken videos, however here I am just showing photos of the works. After I finish a piece I look for a place to take the painting and hang it. The paintings are done on loose fabric, so they blow in the wind adding some life to the pieces. The motion and movement for me adds this layer of freedom to the aura of the painting. I also feel this freedom when working on them. Ultimately the whole practice is to aim to get out of your head and into your body, working with emotions on the day of painting and also when choosing places to hang the pieces.

Where the Wind Blows

This is a work in progress. The essence and intention of these works is freedom, of mind and body. I have also taken videos, however here I am just showing photos of the works. After I finish a piece I look for a place to take the painting and hang it. The paintings are done on loose fabric, so they blow in the wind adding some life to the pieces. The motion and movement for me adds this layer of freedom to the aura of the painting. I also feel this freedom when working on them. Ultimately the whole practice is to aim to get out of your head and into your body, working with emotions on the day of painting and also when choosing places to hang the pieces.

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