Submission Photography Featured Submissions

[YHWH] and the Birds of Appetite

I was an extremely confused and anxious kid. I spent my final teenage years running away from the world that I had grown up in. Traveling in cheap cars, trains, and greyhound busses, and engaging with folks at the edge of society. They filled me with immense inspiration and optimism as they allowed me to see the beauty in the meaninglessness of life; that we all have the ability to lead whatever life we want, and that there is no correct way to do it.
I’ve always felt like an outsider, though now my camera gives this feeling a sense of meaning; a permission to observe and contemplate. My process is one of wandering and following my nose; relying on chance encounters with strangers and being struck by the poetry in the banal everyday.
These eight photographs are from my ongoing project "YHWH, and the Birds of Appetite"

[YHWH] and the Birds of Appetite

I was an extremely confused and anxious kid. I spent my final teenage years running away from the world that I had grown up in. Traveling in cheap cars, trains, and greyhound busses, and engaging with folks at the edge of society. They filled me with immense inspiration and optimism as they allowed me to see the beauty in the meaninglessness of life; that we all have the ability to lead whatever life we want, and that there is no correct way to do it.
I’ve always felt like an outsider, though now my camera gives this feeling a sense of meaning; a permission to observe and contemplate. My process is one of wandering and following my nose; relying on chance encounters with strangers and being struck by the poetry in the banal everyday.
These eight photographs are from my ongoing project “YHWH, and the Birds of Appetite”