
Fav Photos Found In 2009: 64 Photos By 64 Photographers

First off, thank you all for making Booooooom such an awesome little community. I have so much fun working on this site every day (and night). I’m really excited to show you the things I have lined up for this next year, but more on that later!

Rather than compile a boring year-end “best of” list, I’ve gathered 64 photos by 64 photographers that I came across in 2009. The photos weren’t necessarily produced this past year, I simply encountered them for the first time in the last 365 days.

I’ve been sitting here, staring at these photographs for a few hours now, and I’ve decided I’d like nothing more than to remember each of them until the day I die. I hope you enjoy them. Happy New Year!

Booooooom x Capture: Public Art Open Call

If you’re a photographer or an artist making lens-based work, this is a worldwide open call to submit for consideration.

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