
Photography Magazine: Ordinary


Kent Rogowski


Max Siedentopf and Yuki Kappes have just released another issue of their quarterly arts publication, Ordinary. Each issue pays tribute to a mundane object and this one is all about the classic white sock! 20+ artists contributed sock-related creations to this issue, and each copy ships with an actual sock.

Have a look at more images from the issue, as well as a list of contributing artists, below.






Bram Spaan




Nicolas Haeni




Julia et Vincent




Mauricio Alejo




Imke Ligthart




Sandrine Boulet


Artists Include:

Thomas Albdorf, Mauricio Alejo, Bela Borsodi, Sandrine Boulet, Jan Dirk van der Burg, Scottie Cameron, Christto & Andrew, Alexander Coggin, Annie Collinge & Sarah May, Adam Cruces, Ryan Duffin, Daniel Everett, Nicolas Haeni, Jan Hoek, Noah Jackson, Thomas Nondh Jansen, Julia et Vincent, Vendula Knopová, Namsa Leuba, Imke Ligthart, Olya Oleinic, Kent Rogowski, Thomas Rousset, Adrian Samson, Jaap Scheeren, Bram Spaan, James Unsworth


Ordinary Magazine

Max Siedentopf’s Website

Yuki Kappes’ Website


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