Grant Hindsley

Photographer Spotlight: Grant Hindsley

A light-hearted exploration of humans’ interactions with our natural environment by photographer Grant Hindsley. Working as a photojournalist during the solar eclipse last year, “Sol” is based on a series of images Hindlsey captured during a viewing party at a Seattle museum. While people gathered to witness 92% coverage of the sun, Hindsley spent 7-8 minutes photographing over 70 spectators. As he explains:

“The first half of the eclipse I spent looking for the ‘one’ newsy, type photo with lots of people in a row with their glasses on. It occurred to me that the better way to tell the story, was to just focus on the exciting, fun part of the photo, and not overcomplicate it. So I took as many portraits as I could of everyone around, mesmerized by the sun.”

See more of Hindsley’s favourite portraits below!

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Grant Hindsley



Grant Hindsley



Grant Hindsley



Grant Hindsley



Grant Hindsley



Grant Hindsley



Grant Hindsley



Grant Hindsley



Grant Hindsley



Grant Hindsley



Grant Hindsley



Grant Hindsley



Grant Hindsley



Grant Hindsley



Grant Hindsley’s Website

Grant Hindsley on Instagram

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