Samuel Rodriguez

“Digital Vs. Analogue” by Artist Samuel Rodriguez

A delightful mix of paintings, created both by hand and using iPad Pro, from San Jose-based artist Samuel Rodriguez (previously featured here). As Rodriguez explains, even though the final products may look similar, the experience of working in each medium is not the same. Being proficient in both ultimately allows for different things:

“I like that I now have options to do both hand made and digital illustrations since some of my projects do not require a physical piece and the convenience gives me an opportunity to produce more ideas in less time.”

Each week our members share their work with us and we highlight the best of these submissions as Editors’ Picks. If you have work to share, you can learn more about becoming a member. See more images of Rodriguez’s digital and traditional paintings below.

Samuel Rodriguez



Samuel Rodriguez



Samuel Rodriguez



Samuel Rodriguez



Samuel Rodriguez



Samuel Rodriguez



Samuel Rodriguez





Samuel Rodriguez



Samuel Rodriguez’s Website

Samuel Rodriguez on Instagram

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