Just For Fun

Booooooom Bingo #4 Sponsored by Mailchimp

Booooooom Bingo is back and bigger than ever! We have a ton of cool prizes and, as always, it’s completely FREE to play. We’re thrilled to have Mailchimp as our partner for this edition of Bingo! With their help, we were able to commission one of our favourite artists, Julian Glander, to make us a fantastic set of bingo cards and even some fun animations to go with them. Mailchimp also made it possible for us to purchase all kinds of stuff—directly from creators we love—to use as our prizes. We love using this opportunity to support and share creativity and can’t wait to give all this stuff away! Keep an eye on our Instagram for animations by Julian and other Bingo updates (you may want to add us to your favorites on IG so you don’t miss any announcements).

Intuit Mailchimp is an email and marketing automations platform for small and mid-sized businesses and advanced marketers. Mailchimp also empowers creative communities through its in-house agency Wink Creative—recently named Ad Age’s In-House Agency of the Year for 2023. Wink is a small but mighty crew of 40+ multi-disciplinary creatives who believe creativity has the power to change behaviors and shape the world. They do it by making a myriad of things—from campaigns, experiences, branding, film & photography, customer stories, motion design, even interactive games (our personal fav was Dumpling Delivery)—to steer and grow Mailchimp’s brand perception.

For years now, we’ve been using Mailchimp for our Secret Email Club newsletters, so we’re extra stoked to have them help us bring this game of Bingo to life!

New Bingo cards designed by Julian Glander

How To Play

OK, so how does this game work? All you have to do is sign up below and in a few weeks we’ll send you your own unique Booooooom Bingo card. Once the game begins, we’ll start releasing Bingo numbers every week in our Secret Email Club newsletters until all the prizes are claimed. You can print off your card and stick it on your fridge, or save it to your phone to mark X’s on the numbers.

There will be prizes for 1-LINE, 2-LINES and 3-LINES. Each card has 4 Bingo boards on it. All 4 boards on the card are played at once. So if the number 7 is released, mark it off on all the boards it appears. The middle square on each board is free. As soon as you have a complete line aka a Bingo, snap a photo (or screenshot) your Bingo card and email the photo and your card # (bottom right corner) to: [email protected]

We’ll announce winners each week as prizes are claimed. Once all the 1-LINE prizes are claimed, you will need 2-LINES to win, and once all those prizes are claimed, you will need 3-LINES to win the final prizes. For 2-LINE and 3-LINE Bingos, they must be on the same board to win.

So who wants to play some Bingo with us over email?! It’s FREE to play and there are lots of PRIZES! We are still adding to the list below!


Deadline to sign up: 11:59PM PST May 2, 2023



Deadline to sign up: 11:59PM PST May 2, 2023


Rules of Entry, Terms & Conditions

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