Thank you to everyone who pre-ordered our new book! Pictures & Songs is now available in our shop and shipping worldwide. Featuring the work of 60 photographers, this special book features striking black & white images each paired with a song that is particularly meaningful for the person who captured it. Some pairings have explanations and some are left for viewers to draw their own conclusions. We created a little playlist so you can listen along while you flip through the pages—we hope you enjoy the journey! There are so many deeply personal stories in here, you’ll never hear the songs the same way again.
The image on the cover was one of our favs, submitted by Alejandra Vacuii. You can see a full list of all the contributing photographers below!
Featured Photographers:
Adrian Dénommé
Alan Nakkash
Alejandra Vacuii
Anastasiia Likkey
Andreas Bang Kirkegaard
Ariana Zukowski
Briana Vargas
Brunei Deneumostier
Burton Rast
Christian Khayó
Christopher William Rivera
Colton Rothwell
Dani Leal
Devin Fitchwell
Ellie Waters
Elo Vazquez
Eman Ali
Emmanuel O.C Harry
Evan Patrick Maloney
Evelyn Freja
Federico Monty Kaplan
Forrest Flanders
Gene Smirnov
Greg. C. Holland
Harrison Whitford
Hsueh-Hung Cheng
Jacob Moscovitch
Jade Leetz
Jake Thompson
Jarrett Lampley
Jason Hendardy
Jenna Garrett
Jesse Ly
Jonathan van der Knaap
Jordan Utley
Jordie Hennigar
Joshua Atkins
Katrine Noer
Ken Oshima
Kristina Barker
Lacey Terrell
Lena Finkenzeller
Lindsey Kennedy
Liz Dórea
Lucy Bruce-Gardner
Madison Speyer
Marc Ashish
Matt Moment
Max Ortega
Michael “Waldo” Foeller
Nathalie Basoski
Qiyan Chen
Sarah Strand
Sawyer Roque
Sumedha Gupta
Tatiana Porter
Tendayi Dabengwa
Tom Eagar
William Mark Sommer
Booooooom Shop: Tomorrow’s Talent 4
Featuring the work of 60 fine artists and illustrators, tomorrow’s Talent 4 is now officially available in our shop!
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