
“Faint of Heart” by Artist Nicole Duennebier

A selection of new work by artist Nicole Duennebier (previously featured here). Born in Connecticut, Duennebier received her Bachelor of Fine Arts at Maine College of Art. Her BFA thesis was influenced by research into the coastal ecosystems of Maine. Her work continues to draw inspiration from sea life and often combines the darkness and intricacy of undersea regions with the aesthetic of 16th-century Dutch still life painting.

In “Faint of Heart,” Duennebier explores personal narratives and deep emotional spaces that tie into themes of dread and the ever-shifting ambiguities of the natural world. Blurring the line between observation and ornamentation, Duennebier’s paintings oscillate between extremes — dreamy and terrifying, familiar yet surreal. Arches and openings recur throughout, appearing inviting and slightly ominous, as it’s not always clear what one may find once they step through.

See more images below or on display at Nicodim Gallery in Los Angeles until February 17th.
























Nicole Duennebier’s Website

Nicole Duennebier on Instagram

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