Booooooom x Format

"Magic Hour Photo Club"

Magic Hour Photo Club is an on-going series of photography projects! So how do you join the club? All you have to do is upload a photo to our first project and you're in!

We wanted to make this first Magic Hour Photo Club project special, so we’ve partnered with the good people at Format to hook up some sweet prizes! Their passion is helping artists to create simple professional portfolio websites, and each week we’ll be giving away a free website to someone who submits to this project! They’re also offering all Booooooom readers the chance to try Format for three months absolutely free. No credit card required.

If that’s not enough, each week we’ll also be giving away one of our limited edition Magic Hour Photo Club hats!


Magic Hour Photo Club hat
Magic Hour Photo Club hat


These are now available in our shop and we’ll be giving them away during each Magic Hour project (until they run out).



Okay, this first project is simple—we wanna see your best photos shot during “magic hour”.

“Magic Hour” is that period after sunrise or before sunset where the light is soft and has a warmer color temperature than usual (another name for it is “golden hour”). The image at the top of this page is a photo I shot of my fiancée in a place called Tofino, during “magic hour”.

  1. Shoot a photo during “magic hour” or find that really great shot you already captured. It can be of a landscape or a person.
  2. Send us your photo using our submission system. (Where it says “submit to” select Magic Hour Photo Club)

By submitting to this project you give us permission to display the images on and our social channels.

Feel free to submit as many times as you like until this project ends on October 27th. Everyone’s images will be displayed in the submissions gallery, and our favourite submissions will be featured on our main site.


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