Magic Hour Zine

Magic Hour Photo Club is an on-going series of photography projects and this is an invitation to submit your photos to be featured in our first-ever Magic Hour zine!

Photo by Brendan George Ko


After we had so many great submissions to our last Magic Hour project (see here, here, here, here), we’re doing it again but this time we’re teaming up with our friends at Papercut to produce a limited edition full color zine! Who wants to be in it?



We wanna see your best photos shot during “magic hour”.

“Magic Hour” is that period after sunrise or before sunset where the light is soft and has a warmer color temperature than usual (another name for it is “golden hour”).

  1. Shoot a photo during “magic hour” or find a really great shot you already captured. The image can be of a landscape or a person.
  2. Send us your photo using our submission system. (Where it says “submit to” select Magic Hour Zine)

By submitting to this project you give us permission to publish the work in the zine (with credit to you) and to display it on and our social channels.

Feel free to submit as many times as you like until the submission period ends on June 15th. Everyone’s images will be displayed in the submissions gallery, and our favourite submissions will be featured in the printed zine!

Magic Hour Photo Club hat

As always, we’ll have Magic Hour hats to give away to a couple people just for submitting to the project.