Submission Painting

90s Kid – Paintings of objects that defined childhood in the 90s

Felicia Fraser, based in Vancouver BC, paints detailed acrylic and oil paintings of ordinary objects. Her series ‘90s Kid’ explores objects from her own past, ones that have come to represent childhood culture in the 1990s. It was a time of freedom, riding your bike with neighbourhood friends until dusk and planning your evening according to the TV guide. It was the last monoculture, there was one way to be cool and it was to have the latest toy or accessory. It was the last decade before screens and endless choices dominated our lives.
Objects hold the power to make us feel nostalgic. To help us consider who we were in our past. What things fascinated and brought you the most joy? What do you miss about that time? Let's remember what we liked about living in the 90s and bring those positive values back into our current lives.

90s Kid – Paintings of objects that defined childhood in the 90s

Felicia Fraser, based in Vancouver BC, paints detailed acrylic and oil paintings of ordinary objects. Her series ‘90s Kid’ explores objects from her own past, ones that have come to represent childhood culture in the 1990s. It was a time of freedom, riding your bike with neighbourhood friends until dusk and planning your evening according to the TV guide. It was the last monoculture, there was one way to be cool and it was to have the latest toy or accessory. It was the last decade before screens and endless choices dominated our lives.
Objects hold the power to make us feel nostalgic. To help us consider who we were in our past. What things fascinated and brought you the most joy? What do you miss about that time? Let’s remember what we liked about living in the 90s and bring those positive values back into our current lives.