Submission Illustration

Adults want to be kids

My name is Juanjo Gasull, I am 21 years old and I come from a small city in Spain. I have been passionate about drawing ever since I can remember. One of the things that I love the most about drawing, is to be able to think as a child in order to be able to find the magic in a daily situation.

like to create simple images in which, a character will be set on a daily situation, the features that characterize my drawing style are flat stains, textures, cuts and figures not too detailed where the aim is to tell a message. I love comunicate concepts with images.

Adults want to be kids

My name is Juanjo Gasull, I am 21 years old and I come from a small city in Spain. I have been passionate about drawing ever since I can remember. One of the things that I love the most about drawing, is to be able to think as a child in order to be able to find the magic in a daily situation.

like to create simple images in which, a character will be set on a daily situation, the features that characterize my drawing style are flat stains, textures, cuts and figures not too detailed where the aim is to tell a message. I love comunicate concepts with images.