

Both sculpture and paintings were created using the "automatic drawing" method. The works were created over the space of nearly two years and incorporate both depth and a range of colors that express the energy of the subconcious mind.

Automatic drawing was pioneered by Andre Masson and later used by artists such as Picasso, Joan Miro, Hans Arp and others. The idea is to create the foundation of abstract or surreal works by drawing blindfolded or with eyes closed in order to capture more subconscious movement and bring them into the conscious world. Works are then edited for their best composition.

By using the subconcious and bringing that energy onto the objective plane through automatic drawing methods, I'm creating works utilizing both the subconscious and conscious mind.


Both sculpture and paintings were created using the “automatic drawing” method. The works were created over the space of nearly two years and incorporate both depth and a range of colors that express the energy of the subconcious mind.

Automatic drawing was pioneered by Andre Masson and later used by artists such as Picasso, Joan Miro, Hans Arp and others. The idea is to create the foundation of abstract or surreal works by drawing blindfolded or with eyes closed in order to capture more subconscious movement and bring them into the conscious world. Works are then edited for their best composition.

By using the subconcious and bringing that energy onto the objective plane through automatic drawing methods, I’m creating works utilizing both the subconscious and conscious mind.