

Note: this project is not about using the colors of each country’s flag –although some of them are inspired by this- but it is rather more expressive about its nature-culture the overall weather, ambiance, traditions, what each country is famous for and such by using only the English alphabet when writing the name of the countries, one color for the background and only one or maximum two colors for the font.
I wanted to transfer the feeling by organizing font types with colors, in order to give the feeling of what I think about when I hear the word: “Germany” or “Iceland” for example.
the minimalism of this project is what makes it so hard and complicated, surely this is not the easiest thing that I have worked on, but I chose to limit myself to only these elements and challenge myself. (full project is in the URL)


Note: this project is not about using the colors of each country’s flag –although some of them are inspired by this- but it is rather more expressive about its nature-culture the overall weather, ambiance, traditions, what each country is famous for and such by using only the English alphabet when writing the name of the countries, one color for the background and only one or maximum two colors for the font.
I wanted to transfer the feeling by organizing font types with colors, in order to give the feeling of what I think about when I hear the word: “Germany” or “Iceland” for example.
the minimalism of this project is what makes it so hard and complicated, surely this is not the easiest thing that I have worked on, but I chose to limit myself to only these elements and challenge myself. (full project is in the URL)