Submission Painting

Brianna Lee – Representational Portraits of Contemporary Women

My current body of work is an exploration of contemplative women positioned against dramatic rural landscapes and stormy skies. I use natural settings in an attempt to touch on a sublime encounter with the forces of nature and as a metaphor for the uncertainty we often face in life. Immersion in nature can also be a conduit for self-reflection. This clearly stems from my own search for meaning in my life through the introspective and meditative act of painting and the inspiration I find when I am outdoors. I am drawn to painting women because that is the lens through which I encounter my world and there is a silent, often overlooked strength in women that I find endlessly inspiring.

Brianna Lee – Representational Portraits of Contemporary Women

My current body of work is an exploration of contemplative women positioned against dramatic rural landscapes and stormy skies. I use natural settings in an attempt to touch on a sublime encounter with the forces of nature and as a metaphor for the uncertainty we often face in life. Immersion in nature can also be a conduit for self-reflection. This clearly stems from my own search for meaning in my life through the introspective and meditative act of painting and the inspiration I find when I am outdoors. I am drawn to painting women because that is the lens through which I encounter my world and there is a silent, often overlooked strength in women that I find endlessly inspiring.