Submission Graphic Design


Originally a Los Angeles native, Amina moved to New York City at age 17 to attend Parsons School of Design. She completed her degree in Strategic Design and Management – 3 years at the New York campus and 1 at the Paris campus. Beginning her studies as a Strategic Design and Management student, Amina explored the vast realm of design, from studio practices to digital techniques. Her work explores various mediums found in new media art, as well as the economics and ethics in sustainable design.

Cadre Cadre is a slow-fashion clothing brand conceived and established in Brooklyn by founder Amina Sule. Our clothes are 100% handmade, and printed on site in Amina’s home studio in Brooklyn. Cadre Cadre believes in repurposed, sustainable cradle-to-cradle production.


Originally a Los Angeles native, Amina moved to New York City at age 17 to attend Parsons School of Design. She completed her degree in Strategic Design and Management – 3 years at the New York campus and 1 at the Paris campus. Beginning her studies as a Strategic Design and Management student, Amina explored the vast realm of design, from studio practices to digital techniques. Her work explores various mediums found in new media art, as well as the economics and ethics in sustainable design.

Cadre Cadre is a slow-fashion clothing brand conceived and established in Brooklyn by founder Amina Sule. Our clothes are 100% handmade, and printed on site in Amina’s home studio in Brooklyn. Cadre Cadre believes in repurposed, sustainable cradle-to-cradle production.

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