
Gas Station Portraits

I’ve always loved shooting photos in industrial and commercial spaces. Lately I’ve been exploring that interest at my local Chevron. The lighting— stark, bright, and entirely overhead — is utterly fantastic. As someone who’s interested in issues related to the lack of proper public space — especially in LA — I get a kick out of claiming quasi-public spaces, such as a gas station, as a place to make art and tell image-based stories.

Gas Station Portraits

I’ve always loved shooting photos in industrial and commercial spaces. Lately I’ve been exploring that interest at my local Chevron. The lighting— stark, bright, and entirely overhead — is utterly fantastic. As someone who’s interested in issues related to the lack of proper public space — especially in LA — I get a kick out of claiming quasi-public spaces, such as a gas station, as a place to make art and tell image-based stories.

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