Submission Photography

Guatemalan Portraits

I was sent to Guatemala for an American Non-Profit that was documenting survivors of traumatic events. I decided to take as many posed portraits as possible, as opposed to my usual street photography style. I wanted them to feel heroic and poised, as if they were monuments for others to learn from and upon which to draw inspiration

These were all shot with a medium format Bronica SQ-A camera and scanned with my Epson V600.

Guatemalan Portraits

I was sent to Guatemala for an American Non-Profit that was documenting survivors of traumatic events. I decided to take as many posed portraits as possible, as opposed to my usual street photography style. I wanted them to feel heroic and poised, as if they were monuments for others to learn from and upon which to draw inspiration

These were all shot with a medium format Bronica SQ-A camera and scanned with my Epson V600.

Secret Email Club

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