Submission Painting

In The End, There Is No End – Djochkoun Sami

In his new works Djochkoun Sami explores new themes intriguing him in a non-linear tapestry of styles and formal approaches. This approach is perhaps best exemplified in his drawings—personal, dark, dense works of ink on paper that blend figures and spaces, hatchings and marks, opacity and obscurity on the same surface, contributing a ‘dark matter’ to the references swirling around his imaginary, constructed landscapes. His themes are akin to secrets lurking in a dark forest—a metaphor for a potentially dark future, yet one that should be embraced without reservations. For if we set aside our personal agencies, we will discern in the fog which surrounds us that every collapse is also a new beginning, each decay signals the emergence of new forms, and, in the end, there is no end.

In The End, There Is No End – Djochkoun Sami

In his new works Djochkoun Sami explores new themes intriguing him in a non-linear tapestry of styles and formal approaches. This approach is perhaps best exemplified in his drawings—personal, dark, dense works of ink on paper that blend figures and spaces, hatchings and marks, opacity and obscurity on the same surface, contributing a ‘dark matter’ to the references swirling around his imaginary, constructed landscapes. His themes are akin to secrets lurking in a dark forest—a metaphor for a potentially dark future, yet one that should be embraced without reservations. For if we set aside our personal agencies, we will discern in the fog which surrounds us that every collapse is also a new beginning, each decay signals the emergence of new forms, and, in the end, there is no end.