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Midwest Cowboy

Occupying the space between myth and reality, the cowboy is a uniquely American character. Bursting with symbolism and patriotic themes — rugged individualism, honor, strength, resilience — the cowboy is an enduring and iconic folk hero but one that has rarely been examined.

The ways cowboys have been depicted in popular culture, and who has been excluded from those depictions is directly linked to the inaccurate stories America tells itself about race, gender, exceptionalism, expansion, and destiny.

Within this context, this series explores three overlapping themes: Identity, Dominion, and Tradition.

These themes, and the ways they shape distinct variants of cowboy culture across different communities, shows how malleable, and inclusive even the most enduring archetype can be.

Midwest Cowboy

Occupying the space between myth and reality, the cowboy is a uniquely American character. Bursting with symbolism and patriotic themes — rugged individualism, honor, strength, resilience — the cowboy is an enduring and iconic folk hero but one that has rarely been examined.

The ways cowboys have been depicted in popular culture, and who has been excluded from those depictions is directly linked to the inaccurate stories America tells itself about race, gender, exceptionalism, expansion, and destiny.

Within this context, this series explores three overlapping themes: Identity, Dominion, and Tradition.

These themes, and the ways they shape distinct variants of cowboy culture across different communities, shows how malleable, and inclusive even the most enduring archetype can be.

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