The world needs regeneration.
This series was a study produced under lockdown in the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020.
The lockdown period gave me the space to look at our world in a new way and evaluate where it is going and what is important to me.
Due to being isolated at home, I was looking at my surroundings more closely and at nature and its regenerative qualities.

I wanted to highlight aspects of nature but in a way that showed it in the current light.
Not pristine, sunny, green, but show a sense of the isolation, fear, unease, and urgency that I felt.

More than ever I believe we need to work with nature in a regenerative manner, in all aspects of life and not degenerate the world around us as we have been.


The world needs regeneration.
This series was a study produced under lockdown in the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020.
The lockdown period gave me the space to look at our world in a new way and evaluate where it is going and what is important to me.
Due to being isolated at home, I was looking at my surroundings more closely and at nature and its regenerative qualities.

I wanted to highlight aspects of nature but in a way that showed it in the current light.
Not pristine, sunny, green, but show a sense of the isolation, fear, unease, and urgency that I felt.

More than ever I believe we need to work with nature in a regenerative manner, in all aspects of life and not degenerate the world around us as we have been.