
Booooooom Submissions / October

October Submissions: Share your work here!


I am constantly trying to figure out a better way to deal with the hundreds and hundreds of art submissions each month. One of the main ways people have been submitting work has been through Facebook but due to some of the recent changes Facebook has made I am trying to rely on it a lot less.

As I’m sure you’re aware Facebook has made the frustrating and nonsensical decision to make it more difficult for pages to share content with their own followers. This decision was made solely for the purpose of making more money for themselves by charging us to share content. Equally frustrating is the inability to view all of the content posted to our wall. If I go back further than a month it jumps to a really incomplete archive of the past year.

I want to try something new, a little experiment. This post is a chance for you to post your work. If it works well there will be a post like this every month. The comments are enabled to allow images so you can post an image along with a link to your website. If a lot of people start submitting this way I’d like to do a “Best of Submissions” post each month in addition to featuring work shared here as regular postings to Booooooom.


Here’s a few guidelines:
1. Please don’t flood the comments with a dozen images, just post 1 image that represents your best work along with 1 link.

2. If you see good work posted by someone upvote it so it appears at the top. This is not just a nice thing to do, it helps me see what work you actually like.

3. You can/should also encourage people who are sharing good work here! Comment on their posts and let them know you like what they’re doing. I really want to foster a community here, and this is a simple way you can connect with other people making work.

4. Keep in mind your post may not show up right away because it has an image attached. It may need to be manually approved first so don’t freak out and post a million times, once is enough.

Submissions through Tumblr and Google+ have still been working really well but I think if this works well it may end up being the best way to submit. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your work, and excited to see how well this works!



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