Sam Gregg

“Blighty” by Photographer Sam Gregg

Another fantastic series from London-based photographer Sam Gregg (previously featured here). Having spent a lot of time abroad, Gregg takes a moment to explore the question of what it means to be British all while entertaining the possibility that he’s never really known. As he states:

“I wander the streets in search of my heritage, flitting from greasy spoons to pie & mash shops, from north to east and back again. Maybe I’m looking in the wrong places, maybe I’m not. Perhaps one day I’ll find it, at the bottom of a translucent parcel of chips or in the calcified dregs of my tea. This is me, simply trying to find out.”

See more images from “Blighty” below. Each week our members share their work with us and we highlight the best of these submissions as Editors’ Picks. If you have work to share, you can learn more about becoming a member.

Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg



Sam Gregg’s Website

Sam Gregg on Instagram

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