Johnny Morant

Artist Spotlight: Johnny Morant

A selection of paintings exploring our increasingly strained relationship to our surroundings by artist Johnny Morant. At a time when addressing the deteriorating state of our planet is imperative, Morant’s work aims to encourage greater contemplation of social and ecological issues. His upcoming solo exhibition, “Grounded,” embraces the figure of the astronaut and the “overview effect” — the shift in perspective that occurs from seeing Earth at a distance. By placing lunar explorers in lush earth-like utopias, Morant draws attention to our perceived historical significance and how disconnected we’ve become from our own planet. See more images from “Grounded” below or on display at the Royal Opera Arcade Gallery in London starting December 2.

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Johnny Morant



Johnny Morant



Johnny Morant



Johnny Morant



Johnny Morant



Johnny Morant



Johnny Morant



Johnny Morant



Johnny Morant’s Website

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