
“Slightly Altered” by Photographer Duo Synchrodogs

An exploration of the interdependency of humans and nature by Ukrainian photographers Tania Shcheglova and Roman Noven aka Synchrodogs. Shooting together since 2008, “Slightly Altered” is a project based on a month long trip across the Carpathian Mountains. During their travels the pair learned of illegal lumbering activities, stumbled upon campfires carelessly left unattended, and noticed a disturbing lack of wildlife in the forest. These experiences caused them to reflect on how we change the environment and how we, in turn, are changed. By creating temporary installations only meant to live for a single day, and photographing them before they decayed, Synchrodogs hope to encourage a greater appreciation for nature as well as a desire to live with more awareness, responsibility, and care.

See more images from “Slightly Altered” below. Each week our members share their projects with us and we highlight our favs as Editors’ Picks. If you have work you’d like to share with us, you can learn more about becoming a member.





































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