
“Parallel Vision” by Illustrator Wenkai Mao

An imaginative series by New York-based illustrator Wenkai Mao (previously featured here). Inspired by a love of science-fiction movies and ongoing interest in space and multiverse theory, Mao uses different compositions and constructions of space to explore the possibilities of the universe:

“Of course, these works are not rigorous scientific illustration at all, but romantic imaginations based on visual aesthetics. I used mostly organic motifs such as flora and figures, hoping to bring my audience into these spaces and experience different dimensions and scenery.”

See more images from “Parallel Vision” below. Each week our members share their projects with us and we highlight our favs as Editors’ Picks. If you want to share your own work with us, you can learn more about becoming a member.

















Wenkai Mao’s Website

Wenkai Mao on Instagram

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