Gadget related posts on Booooooom!

Hilarious Hack of the Day: The Secret Selfie Stick aka Really Long Arm

Amazing Collaborative Drawing Performance Between Human Artist and Robot Arm

Guy Hacks Turntable to Create Techno Music

This Pop-Up Book Folds into a Functioning Camera!

Future Technology of the Day: Collidoscope

Original NES Gaming System Reborn as the $499 Analogue Nt

Genius Invention of the Day: Computerized Tape Gun Turns Adhesive Tape into Building Material

Satisfying Video of the Day: Curb Roller Smoothing Rough Cement

Keyboard Modification Allows Typing with the Flair of Handwriting

Innovative Virtual Reality Experience Allows You to Rediscover the Forest as an Animal

Best of Kickstarter: Robotic Arm That Does Everything

Kickstarter of the Day: Batband

Graphic Designer Spotlight: Alex Sullivan

Trippy Kinetic Wooden Sculptures by David C. Roy

Best of Kickstarter: SmartHalo

Video of the Day: Guy Builds Crazy Flying Machine Using 54 Drone Propellers