Booooooom x Adobe

"Remake Project"

We're teaming up with Adobe on this project, and it's gonna be a fun one! The challenge here is to remake a masterwork of art as a photograph!

The idea of the project is to remake a famous work of art using photography. This photo by Sarah Hermans is a perfect example of what I’m after as it references Michelangelo’s “Creation of Adam” simply, and beautifully. Now I don’t have £10,000 to put up as prize money but I was able to get a copy of the entire Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection.



1. This is a photo project! We’re looking for photos only. This means no paintings, drawings, collages. The idea is to put all your creative energy into re-creating and re-staging the image. All the work here happens before you take the photo, rather than afterward. Please refrain from adding special effects and other things to your image on your computer.

2. Please reference classic works of art, we’re not looking for remakes of contemporary artwork, album covers, or fashion photography.

3. This isn’t a rule but if you want a bit of inspiration take a look at: Miranda July as movie extras.

All the submissions will be posted in a gallery on Booooooom and one of you will walk away with the grand prize!

Deadline for submissions is October 21st, 2011.

By submitting your work to this project you are giving us permission to post them on our website and pass them along to other blogs and news outlets who want to post about the project!


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