
“Layers of Life” by Artist Naomi White

A series of landscape paintings by Australian artist Naomi White (previously featured here). Exploring the hidden beauty that can be found in the smallest details, White’s work encourages us to consider our natural surroundings not simply as the backdrop to our lives but as seamlessly intertwined within it:

“The intricacies of nature surround us whether it’s in showy bursts of bloom or with small, delicate buds coming to life before us. In Layers of Life I have married the wide view of land with a close examination of flora to draw the viewer into the essence of the natural world and its many layers.”

Each week our members share their projects with us and we highlight our favs as Editors’ Picks. If you have work you’d like to share with us, you can learn more about becoming a member.























Naomi White’s Website

Naomi White on Instagram

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