
Fav Photos Found In 2014: 75 Photos By 75 Photographers

At the end of every year I try to collect all my favourite photos in one giant post (you can see previous roundups here: 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009). I want to clarify that this doesn’t mean all of these images were shot this year (many of them were), this is merely a collection of images I personally discovered in the past 12 months.

As part of the yearly tradition I wanna take this moment to say thank-you to all of you, everyone who continue to hang around on this website. Thank you for sharing your work, and encouraging the people whose work is featured here.

This is Booooooom’s sixth year! It’s kinda unbelievable to type that. Before this, the only job I ever had for more than a year was flipping burgers at McDonalds. I still love working on Booooooom every day because of you guys.

This past year Booooooom grew tremendously. Just over a year ago we launched @Booooooom on Instagram (would have done it sooner but some kid squatted on the name for three years) and already there are over 70,000 followers on there. Our Twitter and Facebook now have a combined following of nearly 250,000 and somehow our Google+ has amassed 3.5 million followers?! It’s surreal.




I can’t talk about this past year without talking about this email from a photographer named Eylül Aslan. Her email made my day (and week, and month, and year), which is why I called it “The Best Email in the Entire History of Booooooom”. Of all the things I accomplished this year, I am most proud of what’s in this email. The idea that Booooooom could affect someone’s life like that. I guess that’s really why I’m sitting here, at 6 AM (yet to sleep) writing this paragraph. I love that connecting with people, and connecting people to other people is somehow my job. It doesn’t feel like work.

I hope you enjoy this collection of images below as much as me. Thanks!

Booooooom Shop: Tomorrow’s Talent 4

Featuring the work of 60 fine artists and illustrators, tomorrow’s Talent 4 is now officially available in our shop!

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