
Fav Photos Found In 2012: 64 Photos By 64 Photographers

Another year has come and gone so it’s time for my year-end photo post (I guess it’s tradition now). Thank you, each and every one of you, for your continued support of Booooooom! I am thankful everyday that this is my job and I hope I can keep doing it for a long time. There are now more than 57,000 of you connected to Booooooom on Twitter, and another 114,000 on Facebook. That is insane. Hello also to the thousands of you that joined the Secret Email Club this year, I’ve really enjoyed putting together those extra little bits of weekly inspiration for your inboxes. Okay, maybe not always weekly but I think less is more when it comes to email.

This was a milestone year for Booooooom, developing a project for MTV, producing videos with artists like The Sheepdogs and Little Scream. Now we’re kicking off the new year working on The First-Ever Booooooom Book which will be published by Chronicle Books! I’ve never made a book before and that’s why I wanna do it. At this point I could keep running Booooooom the same way I have for the past five years with my eyes closed, but where’s the fun in that?

This next year I want to push way beyond what I’ve done so far, beyond what’s comfortable and easy. I want to fully pursue new challenges. Actual challenges – not things I know I can do. I want to explore new ways to engage this community. My interest in art is being eclipsed by my desire to connect with people, and connect those people to other people. I want to have a physical space for Booooooom where I can screen films for free. I want to create an event that combines Art with Bingo. I want to film a series of videos where I build paper airplanes with people while I interview them, and each one ends with us throwing our planes into the air from somewhere really high. I want to build an app, a drawing tool. If you are an artist who can code I want to collaborate with you. There are a million things I want to do and 2013 is the year I tell everyone my lofty goals so I have no choice but to do them before someone else does.

I hope you’ll stick around, it’s gonna be good.

Here are 64 photos by 64 photographers that I came across in 2012. These photos weren’t all produced this year, I just encountered them at some point in the last 12 months. Enjoy.


64 photos by 64 photographers

(found in 2012)

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