
Fav Photos Found In 2019: 64 Photos By 64 Photographers

Every December we gather up all of our favourite images from the year and publish them in one giant post. This is always my favourite thing to put together! We featured a lot of incredible photography in 2019 and I had the pleasure of spending this past week paring it all down to a selection of 64 photos by 64 photographers (technically 65, as there’s a duo). If you’re new around here and haven’t seen any of our A Year In Photos posts, here they are:


Just to clarify, not all of these photos were captured this past year (many were), however they’re all images we discovered over the past 12 months, so in that sense it’s a unique selection that you won’t find anywhere else. A big shout out to Anna Schneider who came on as a contributing editor here in October, a lot of the photographers featured over the last three months have been her picks.

Just a friendly reminder for those wanting to send us work, we don’t take email submissions. Members of our site submit work to us via our public submission platform and our private Slack Community.

Hope you enjoy this collection of images! I’d also love to hear some of your own photography discoveries this year (on Booooooom or elsewhere). Which images stuck with you? What did your 2019 look like? Let us know in the comments, send us a tweet, DM on Insta, carrier pigeon, whatever!


64 photos by 64 photographers

(found in 2019)


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