
Fav Photos Found in 2021: 64 Photos by 64 Photographers

Though it feels like 2021 just started (where did the time go?!), we’ve made it once again to our favorite annual post: A Year in Photos. We’ve spent the past week poring over this year’s features, and have rounded up a selection of 64 of our favorite images by 64 photographers. Whether taken this year or not, these are images that we have discovered in the last twelve months.

We’ve been busy behind the scenes this year—lots of time spent contemplating our ever-expanding vision for Booooooom and putting our ideas into action. In addition to web content, we published two books! We still have a few copies left in our shop. If you’d like to be a part of our next photobook, we are currently accepting submissions with a theme of “circles”. The final edit will be 100+ pages and we’ll be aiming to feature work by 50+ photographers. Read more and submit here!

Check out our 2021 picks below, and browse previous year-end posts here: 2020, 20192018201720162015201420132012201120102009. We’d also love to hear about your photography discoveries (on Booooooom or elsewhere)—which photographers or images stuck with you this year?

Booooooom Shop: Tomorrow’s Talent 4

Featuring the work of 60 fine artists and illustrators, tomorrow’s Talent 4 is now officially available in our shop!

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